Tuesday, December 27, 2005

At least I look like a swimmer

After an hour an a half at UPS (they suck!) I got my goggles today. So now even though I still can't swim, I'm really starting to look like I can!

Actually, it was a little easier today. I managed 350 yards, but was able to do more groups of 2 laps. It could be because I swam before cycling today, but it could also be because of the goggles. I didn't feel the need to keep lifting my head out of the water, and that let me breathe a little more comfortably. Not comfortably enough, mind you, but better than before. I picked up a copy of Total Immersion today, so I'm going to start working on some of the drills mentioned inside. I'll let you know how that goes.

I cycled afterward. I used the manual setting to see how far I was going. I'm not sure it's really accurate, but after 20 minutes I had less than 6 miles. It's possible I went slower than last time since I had already swam, but I think that my previous distances have been overestimates. I ended up with 7 miles in about 25 minutes today. My arms were dripping with sweat. Or maybe that was chlorine...

On my way out the gym there was a big crowd. It turns out that this was the annual Menorah "lighting" ceremony for the community, and so the local politicians were there. It wasn't exactly a massive scene, but the local media was there.

I was in Brooklyn the past two nights. (Home of kosher Dunkin Donuts!) While driving there I could see the Empire State Building. Last night its lights were red and green, but tonight I guess Christmas is officially over and so it's lights were blue and white, for Hannukah I presume. On my way back I stopped by downtown Brooklyn at a promenade I used to go to a lot. There's a really nice view of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge from there. (You can see the ESB just to the right of center in this picture.)

I stopped by this used book store that I remembered being down there. It's gotten even better with tons and tons of books jammed in there. I picked up The Complete Book of Swimming for 8 bucks. I could have spent hours there, but it was late and they were almost closed. I'll have to go back sometime.

As you can see, I've gone picture crazy. I'm trying to carry my camera around more these days. It's a bit of a pain, but when I don't have it there's always things I want to take pictures of. For now I can just stick it in my big winter coat, so I'll try to keep it with me. (At least it makes this blog a little more interesting.)

Finally, a bunch of people have started listing their resolutions or goals for the coming year. I've thought about this a bit. I definitely have some goals I'd like to reach in my personal life. As for my athletic life, I think a lot will depend on how things go with my job. I'd like to run another marathon, and as some of you have realized, I'm toying with the triathlon idea as well. We'll see.


Blogger Rae said...

Love the pics! I've really enjoyed taking my tiny camera around with me. You look absolutely mean and lean with the goggles and cap on, an Olympian in the making!!

Was yesterday politicians celebrating Hanukkah day? Our mayor helped light the menorah as well. (Of course I was more shocked that we actually had a menorah downtown than I was to see the mayor assisting in the ceremony.)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005  
Blogger Scott in Washington said...

Dangit! If I keep reading your blog, I'll have no choice but to go to the gym and start swimming myself!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005  
Blogger jeanne said...

Oh, i want those googles!!! I have the same problem swimming; can't wear contacts, so I'm blind. So I gave it up. Oh, I also want a garmin, and a nano...

how the hell am i supposed to be athletic without all this cool stuff?!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005  
Blogger KJ said...

Cool goggles. FYI for anyone interested, you can get prescription goggles! It's true, I order then all the time for my young patients not old enough for contact lenses.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005  
Blogger Bridges Runner said...

Excellent! I went for my first swim on Monday...I took the plunge. We'll see where it goes but the plan is to do a triathlon of some sort in '06...

Good luck with the swimming...I've got that book Total Immersion as well...one of my good friends (a swimmer) suggested it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome job on the swimming...just keep it up, and those books will definitely be a good guide...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005  
Blogger About Me: said...

i like the pics. and i especially like the one of the bridge. new york at night is simply stunning.
keep em coming!

Thursday, December 29, 2005  

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